Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Highest Quality Japanese-Formulated Prosteroidal Nutritional Supplement for the Adult Male! HemaGuno is an amazing addition to the nutritional market. Its active ingredient is a analog of a compound that has been used to combat estrogen in Japan for decades. But this is not the only thing that makes HemaGuno special: The ingredient in HemaGuno has an amazing "myotrophic inducing profile" and when compared to similar products on the market.
Independent information demonstrates that HemaGuno is not only 15 times more myotrophic than Halodrol-50 and a whopping 20 times more myotrophic than Pro-Magnon but that HemaGuno has a vastly superior "myotrophic ratio" of 12 whereby Halodrol-50 has a myotrophic ratio of 2.6 and Pro-Magnon has a myotrophic ratio of only 1.1-what this means for the layman is that on a milligram-per-milligram basis HemaGuno is far less likely (4.62x less like than Halodrol-50 and 10.91x less likely than Pro-Magnon) to induce undesirable, androgenic mediated type side effects such as acne, hair loss, etc.

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