Saturday, June 30, 2007

New By Purus Labs E-POL !!!!!!!

E-Pol is the most revolutionary and complete "hormone optimizing matrix" ever developed. Due to the unique proprietary blend users can experience all the anabolic and androgenic benefits of pro-steriodal compounds with substantially less undesirable side effects milligram for milligram.

Simply put...Purus Labs has combined the most powerful androgenic(increases strength and intensity) and anabolic(increases muscle growth and protein synthesis) analogues the supplement industry has ever seen to create the most potent muscle growth stimulator yet.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

New By Ergopharm 11 OXO !!!!

Introducing Ergopharm's boldest new product release in years.11 oxo is a highly effective body recompositioning that takes advantage of some of the most cutting edge medical research on hormone metabolism and health. This is breakthrough technology here, but more importantly beyond all the scientific explanations of its mechanisms we truly have a product that works phenomenally well!! Equally important, we have a natural physique tranformer that not only have an impressive saftey profile but also actually promotes overall health in plethora of ways.