Monday, December 25, 2006

Ergopharm 6-OXO Reviews And FAQ!!!!

6-OXO contains a naturally occurring aromatase inhibitor that is devoid of any direct hormonal or prohormonal activity (androgenic or estrogenic). It is what science refers to as a suicide inhibitor of aromatase. Specifically this means that it will irreversibly bind to the aromatase enzyme and permanently deactivate it. With prolonged use of 6-OXO the result will be a very substantial reduction in the production of estrogen in the body, along with a coinciding up-regulation of natural (testicular) testosterone production.

Click Here For Frequently Asked Questions On This Product

Reviews On This Product


Anonymous said...

Currently Im using this along with novedex xt as my pct after a 3 week cycle of x-mass. I was beginning to experience sore and puffy nipples from the cycle. I started off by using novedex xt only and the soreness did not leave. Bought a bottle of 60x0 and it has eliminated the puffiness and soreness in general. I knew this stuff was working and kicking my test in gear due to the fact that it is causing me to breakout on my arms and chest. During my x-mass cycle I did not. As far as retaining size i will update everyone at the end.

Anonymous said...

This stuff is average at best. Made excellent gains from a couple of superdrol/haladrol cycles. Tried rebound & 6 oxo first time pct. Lost most of the weight and strength as well. Second time, I pct'd with formadrol/novadex xt. Much better results and kept most of the gains. This stuff is way overrated. Good luck everyone

Anonymous said...

WOW, I feel so much more energetic and extremely happy on this stuff. I'm stacking with zma and it does make a big difference. As far as being "Hard Core" you can still work out hard and this just adds to what you are doing. There is no substitute for hard work but there are definately things that can make that work all the more effective. I have tried many things and this is real, and you can do it as a safer way to boost that T and keep things in a safe state in you body. Of corse, like a good workout, your body needs rest periods, so cycle it.

Anonymous said...

i've tried several test. boosters in the past, most with minimal results. with 6-oxo i did notice a couple side effects that i hadnt noticed with the others; acne, i didnt really have any acne to speak of prior to use of this product, within 3 days of use i had noticeable acne on my back and shoulders. easily "set off", im not the kind of guy to get pissed about minor things but when i started use on 6-oxo little shit would get to me. sex drive; ok, this is not a negative but this stuff gave a sex boost like the others didnt, worked wonders. as far as size and strength' i went from 6'3 and about 193 to 204 in a matter of 3 weeks, bench went from 305 to 340(pretty damn good). other lifts also improved, im gonna do at least on more cycle and evaluate

Anonymous said...

Sorry but this product did not work for me. i give it two stars because the price is not bad, and it kept my penis up 24/7. I work out very hard, 4-5 days a week, for the past few years and i really did not feel any differnce while using this product for 3 weeks. Maybe it takes more cycles? Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I really liked this stuff! I stacked it with ZMA and Tribulus. The results were impressive. Makes you feel like Superman in the gym and horny as hell (probably the tribulus). Good pumps. Peace out biatches.

Anonymous said...

I've had good results from OTHER products on this website. When I see that the overwhelming majority of ratings are good for a product, I usually take a chance and buy it. Such as with 6-OXO I saw that probably 9/10 of the ratings were 5 stars.

But, I don't understand how they are getting such high ratings. I'm halfway through this bottle and I can see no differences that this product claims. I don't feel more motivated to work out, I don't see any gains in my lifting, I don't feel any sexual ugres increasing. This is an absolute waste of money.

I don't even feel the NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS that other people claim. I don't have trouble sleeping, I don't feel angry all the time, nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Folks, don't into this product, it's a waste of money.

Anonymous said...

Didn't notice anything while on it except for disruptions to my sleep. In my opinion, not worth the money. I don't know what the answer is to raging natural T levels (likely there isn't one, but god knows we'll all pay out the ass for even the possibility of it), but I do know this definitely isn't it. Don't make the same mistake.