Friday, February 22, 2008

3-AD 84 CAPS By Anabolic Xtreme Pre-Order Today !!!!!

3-ad from Anabolic Xtreme is almost ready to be the breakthrough hit of the year. The main active ingredient in 3-ad is both pro-anabolic and androgenic which promotes muscle growth. 3-ad mimics your body’s natural testosterone, bombarding your androgen receptors and sending the signal for your muscles to grow, resulting in a highly pro-anabolic, androgenic effect. These pro-anabolic and androgenic effects help create lean muscle mass by increasing nitrogen retention and protein synthesis at the cellular level.
3-ad is a hormonal pro-hormone. The good news is that it is non-methyl, 100% DSHEA compliant - certified - , and like no other! I could say it feels like 600mg of testosterone a week injected but that would be illegal. $52.95

bodyconcept $55.95

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