Saturday, November 11, 2006

Venom Hyperdrive 3.0 Reviews!!!!

MassNutrition $26.50

DirectSupplement $27.49

GetHuge $27.99



  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    This stuff works as promised, reduced appetite and raises energy.
    However, the side effects are not worth it for me. I am in my 40’s and the sexual side effects were disturbing to say the least. Had a similar effect’s from some of the over the counter cold medications. Reduced urinary stream, and numbness in the nether regions.
    Sleep interruption is another side effect. Waking after only a couple hours, not being able to fall back asleep. I have lifted for more than 20 years and it has been my experience that sleep is a huge part over of all health.

  2. Anonymous6:19 PM

    it's my first day and I must that I do not like some of the side effects. They are the same that I had with clen and it's why I have stopped to use this product. Headache, feel depress, painfull jaw, distressed. I wasn't so hungry today. I hate 3 small meals. Even if I hate these side effects I will give it a chance as I really want to lose around 13 pounds. I weight 128lbs and want to go down to 115. I am 5'3'' and 26 years old. I will keep you post.

  3. Anonymous6:20 PM

    This is my second review on this product. This is the best weightloss product on the market for sure, Im not trying to lose weight right now, i weightlift and my diet right now has been centered around gaining mass, I have also not been doing any cardio. That said, i have lost around 9 pounds since starting this product. It is like turning your hunger drive to "OFF" for like 5 hours, food just doesn't even sound good, i have to make myself eat and drink my protein shakes. The biggest bonus with this product is the mental concentration i get out of it. My new thing is to pop two just before i study, take a test, write a paper, etc. My girlfriend also really likes taking them before studying, she has noticed the same effect. This stuff is not my favorite pre workout though, my good old NOXPLODE is still my pre workout juice, but if you need help studying or losing weight, this is what you've been searching for.

  4. Anonymous6:22 PM

    yea so this stuff works...i used it to cut for wrestling, i lost about 8 pounds in 5 days. But...i noticed some pretty bad sexual side effects (aka not being able to get a boner) and i would get an intense pain in my balls from time to time. Like i said, it works but the side effects arent worth the weight loss. Im 16 so maybe those warning labels about not for the use of persons under 18 actually mean something.

  5. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I have been takeing this product for 3 weeks... great results...massive energy...if u are looking for a good fat loss , energy booster this is the one.

  6. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Works great for appetite. Not much for energy, but I did not have a good nights sleep until I stopped taking it.

  7. Anonymous6:39 PM

    While reading up on the strength of this product, I decided to start off with half a dose (dumped half of one capsule into a gelatin blank).
    Even at this dosage it lasts for 8 hours of sustained energy.

    Decent pre training supplement. Enjoy it most for cardio days. If you're sensitive to stimulants, start off slowly as I did and increase if necessary.

    Good luck and stay safe.

    Final grade: A-

  8. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I took this product for a little under 2 weeks. When I started noticing some serious sexual side effects. I never had experienced anything like what was happening when taking this product, and as soon as I stopped taking venom everything went back to normal.

    I was taking 1 capsule daily. It does reduce your appetite, but there are other supplements that do that just as well, and when you add in the sexual side effects it just isn't worth it in my opinion. To me when a supplement causes these kind of effects it's actually quite disturbing.

    If you do decide to take this, good luck, and I hope you don't mess yourself up. I hope this helps somebody out there from making a bad decision.

  9. Anonymous2:47 AM

    I took Venom Hyperdrive for about 3 weeks. I wanted to lose about 10 pounds & wanted more energy to work out.

    As others have said, this product increases stamina, energy, suppresses appetite, increases mental focus & helped me to lose several pounds.

    But the side effects that I experienced were major.

    Firstly, I started to feet an impending feeling of doom & worry, like something really bad was going to happen, almost like a paranoia. I've never felt like that before. I'm generally a very optimistic & happy person.

    Secondly, I started to feel a tightness in my lungs & severe shortness of breath, like I was developing asthma. I was gasping for breath with the slightest physical exertion & even at rest. I tried an asthma inhaler , Albuterol, several times, with no effect & even tried Ativan a few times to relieve the anxiety from the shortness of breath, with no effect. These side effects lasted for almost 3 weeks after I stopped the Venom Hyperdrive! I went to my MD, who couldn't find anything wrong with my lungs & even went to a asthma specialist who also couldn't find anything wrong. I definitely felt like my lungs were severely constricted. It took almost 3 weeks after I stopped these pills before my breathing returned to normal.

    Thirdly, I felt extreme problems with urination. Not pain, but like prostate enlargement, where my urination was being blocked.

    Weight loss & appetite suppressant - Yes!
    Worth the side effects - No!

  10. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Ive never experienced more rapid weight loss than with Venom and i have used EC, ECY, and ECA stacks in the past.
    There are definite problems with taking this product, however. One is that its diet suppression effect is very very powerful. Without carefully monitoring what you eat you can literally go an entire day without eating once and not feel hungry until almost 12 hours after taking the pill. Also, though i did not note any changes, some people do experience a loss of sex drive. I myself experienced some anxiety, 1 or 2 days where i felt depressed for seemingly no reason, and I would feel hot and sweaty at random times during the day. To alleviate these effects i have started taking it only every other day.

    The most troubling experience i had while taking Venom for 3 or more consecutive days was when I did an automated blood pressure test, those machines you see in Walgreen's or target where you put your arm in a cuff and it inflates and takes measurements automatically. According to the test results I had something like stage I hypertension as well as a resting heart rate well above normal for a person of my age and fitness level.

    Also of some concern is the possibility of an enlarged prostate while taking it. Urinating and ejaculating definitely feel 'restricted' while taking Venom for an extended period of time. Again, this was elevated by alternating the days where i took it.

    In short, this stuff is the real deal, but use it sparingly and wisely.

  11. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I started taking this product in May 2007 and I went from 196 to 163 without diet or exercise. I will say that with this product WATER IS A MUST. No if's and's or but's about it. It is a great product! The only side effect I had, was an eye twitch. The muscle below my left eye (where you normally get bags) twitches when I'm on the product. Overall great product though. :)

  12. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I feel compelled to communicate my adverse side effects, I expierenced while taking Venom Hyperdrive 3.0. I have to say it is the best weight loss product I have ever taken, BUT I like many others have decided that the side effects are NOT worth it. The adverse side effects I have expierenced are; frequent painful, burning urination (which led to a urinary tract infection), depression, hot flashes and trouble sleeping (which led to irriability). I am sad to have to stop taking it, because as I stated earlier I have lost so much weight, but the benefits do not out weigh the costs. I am blessed to have a brother who is a personal trainer and supplement king, so I am sure he will find me something else. When he does I will post the information.

  13. So far, I have been taking Venom for 3 days. I am a female btw. It supresses my appetite, by cutting whatever I would normally eat in half, Its like watching a little kid play with food, I play with the food, because it no longer attracts me. I felt a huge stamina difference when working out, but my heart rate reached higher than normal. I am not sure how bad that is to keep a heart rate between 160 and 170 for a 5"2' 130 pound woman.
    I fall asleep normally but the last two mornings I have woken up at 6 am and have been unable to fall back asleep. I am groggy til I take the pill again at 9am. I do eat when I take the pill. I have noticed a headache similar to sinus infections, and a ringing in my ears. I Drink an insane amount of water, compared to what I normally would consume, but I dont think its bad. As comes with drinking alot of water, uriniation is more frequent, so I wouldnt call that a bad side effect. SO far, I am doing good.

  14. Anonymous8:10 PM

    **BE CAREFUL**
    I took venom for a week, with no problems, so i decided to up the dose AS DIRECTED ON THE BOTTLE. this however was a ***BIG MISTAKE***. within a matter of hours i became extremely over paranoid, obnioxus, fidgety, unbaanced, confused, quick tempered, emotional and nausous.

    a few hrs later when i began shivvering an chewing on my hands, I WAS RUSHED TO HOSPITAL EMERGENCY. doctors immediatly hooked me up onto heart machines and gave me medicine to reduce the effets.

    im a healthy 20yr old girl who innocently wanted to shed a few pounds. this product was absolutly nort worth it..

    IF YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE THIS PRODUCT, PLEASE -PLEASE DONT TAKE MORE THAN ONE A DAY. the appatite supressent is good, but overall its not a safe product. i would not wish for anyone to go through what i did.

  15. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I will copy and paste my experience with this product as a previous user basically nailed it with what I felt, pretty much I felt like I was dying and going to pass out, or if I go to sleep I won't ever wake up, almost as if your going to catch a heart attack. I took myself to the er because i was terrified that something was going to happen to me. Mind it, it was the WMC in miami and we just got to a great party, rented an exclusive cabana and spent a lot of money on Bottles for our group. I dropped everything and quitely left the group to catch a cab cause i felt like I was going to pass out. The worst part was that I hadnt even started to drink and i was in the shade, so this feeling came over me no matter where I was or what I was doing. The doctor pretty much didn't find anything wrng with me and said to stop taking it. too bad cause the focus part and the appetite suppression was awesome, but not worth the feel as if im going to die.

    But the side effects that I experienced were major.

    Firstly, I started to feet an impending feeling of doom & worry, like something really bad was going to happen, almost like a paranoia. I've never felt like that before. I'm generally a very optimistic & happy person.

    Secondly, I started to feel a tightness in my lungs & severe shortness of breath, like I was developing asthma. I was gasping for breath with the slightest physical exertion & even at rest. I tried an asthma inhaler , Albuterol, several times, with no effect & even tried Ativan a few times to relieve the anxiety from the shortness of breath, with no effect. These side effects lasted for almost 3 weeks after I stopped the Venom Hyperdrive! I went to my MD, who couldn't find anything wrong with my lungs & even went to a asthma specialist who also couldn't find anything wrong. I definitely felt like my lungs were severely constricted. It took almost 3 weeks after I stopped these pills before my breathing returned to normal.

    Thirdly, I felt extreme problems with urination. Not pain, but like prostate enlargement, where my urination was being blocked.

  16. I took these pills and the side effects were not worth it. I literally heard voices in my head when I tried to sleep it was as though the voices you hear in a dream when you sleep echoed so loud it woke me up and I could not go back to sleep. Made me crave cigarettes and I do not smoke and I mean a pack a day SUPER GROSS. I do NOT RECOMMEND..
