Monday, November 20, 2006

Paravol By Palo Alto Labs Read Comments Is It Worth The Money Or Just "JUNK"

Paravol has been engineered exclusively by Palo Alto Labs to effectively combat the negative sexual side effects exhibited by males that have recently completed an anabolic cycle. While there are many sexual enhancement products on the market today, Paravol is the first sexual enhancement supplement designed specifically for users of anabolics, testosterone boosters or pro-hormone products. Formulated specifically for Post Anabolic users, Paravol is the most powerful and effective ejaculation and orgasm enhancer on the market. Paravol can help men with uneven testosterone levels increase their ejaculation level and sexual potency by as much as 500%.


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Been using this Paravol for 7 weeks combined with tamoxifen which I used for three weeks and my sex drive has been excellent coming off of a cycle of superdrol. Its my second cycle of superdrol and my sex drive has been much better this time around when I added Paravol into my pct.

  2. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Pretty similiar results to the previous guy. Took the product based on josh and will's forum entries. I was administering some destruction to my girls back about 10 days after starting paravol. Not using it as a PCT just using it for the sex benifits.

  3. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I bought paravol to see how good it really was and my sex drive went from my normal to jacked within no time. I dont know how anyone could give this products a bad review...check out willpiazza31 and josh47933 review’s on the forums...nuff said

  4. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I'd have to agree with with Steven 4927 on this product. First of all, look at the ingredients. Long Jack, tongkat ali. That root herb would have to be run at 15 gms a day to feel any affect. People need to do their research. I was duped and actually ran this stuff at three a day along with a gm of tongkat ali. What did I feel? Nothing I wouldn't have felt or achieved without it. Want to run PCT? Use Nolva/Clomid/hcg. This is no substitute for proper PCT or testosterone enhancement. Too many products offer hope based on the fact that large doses of herbals actually do something. Then, companies put a little of it in a cap and make claims based on what serious, hardcore, full strength herbs can do when used properly. Save your money. Take your $30 and go buy a really good steak, eat it rare and feel like a man. You'll feel more testosterone in you from that than you will from this product. Caveat emptor!

  5. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Let me tell you -- this is $60 I sure wish I could have back (yes, I ran it for a full 2 bottles). I was very excited about this product after reviewing the logs, but I got zero results from it.

    As a "volumizer", it did nothing for me. There was NO noticeable increase in the volume of my ejaculation. Neither was there any increase in distance or intensity, as the logs indicated.

    As an aid to increase your sex drive as part of PCT, I find this claim fairly dubious. Honestly, if you are running proper PCT (nolva/clomid, HCG), your natural testosterone production should be ramped up after 60 days and any sex drive increase you experience is more a function of that than your coincidental use of Paravol.

    Like I said, I was very excited about this product. I used it exactly as directed. I achieved none of the benefits. Just $60 gone. Consider yourself warned.

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    All i got to say is that i thought my girl was gonna choke the last time she tried to take it all down at once...

  7. Anonymous2:12 AM

    this looks like the worst product in history. ................

  8. Anonymous2:13 AM

    GREAT!!! Worked well for me. I take it with my cycles and after with Formadrol, combo works perfect for me!! Sperm increased in about 4-5 days, added some ZINC and WOW!! have seen loads like that since I was 18!!!!

  9. Anonymous2:14 AM

    my sex drive just crapped out after i finished my last cycle, but i started on paravol 9 days ago along with my nolva and im back in action...couldnt ask for more than that. will be part of my next pct off the bat.

  10. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Im on day 15 of Paravol and this product is totally legit. the only thing i can think about all day is sex, luckily ive got a girl whos also always ready to go. this product is nuts. i recommend this to anyone and im buying a second bottle

  11. Anonymous2:16 AM

    I took Paravol for a month and it lived up to its expectations, and then some. Really never seen to many other products that live up to their claims, but this is one of them. I would stay on for another month, but the price tag is a little north of what i have to spend on a sex supplement right now. But i will definately give it another go in a few more months.
