Monday, August 21, 2006

Controlled Labs Black Hole: Appetite Enhancement Formula

Eat; It’s what all the guys in the gym tell you to do. If you want to get big there is no shortcut, no easy way out. You need to eat and you need to eat a lot. Most people find it hard to consume more than a few thousand calories per day. There is a good reason for that; your body uses hormones to tell your brain “stop eating, you already have enough calories for now”. You try to stuff yourself even more but you end up feeling sick; again it’s the hormones trying to physically make you stop at this point. These hormones are acting in most people’s best interest: people who are obese and do not exercise. However if you are eating clean and you are using all of these calories then it’s not helping you in any way, shape or form. What if there is a way to effectively stop these hormones from keeping you from eating, from your goals and dreams of packing on quality lean muscle mass? Now there is. Black Hole™ from Controlled Labs uses naturally occurring alkylamides to fool the brain into believing that you haven’t eaten enough calories and you need more food. Sound good? Then read on…

Key Attributes:
Fast Absorption/Fast Acting
Eat More Than Ever Before
Helps Indirectly Add Lean Mass
Legal, Safe, and Effective for Both Men and Women
Stimulate Metabolism to Reduce Body Fat
Natural Digestive Aids for Increased Calories
Also Acts as a Natural Pain and Joint Supplement

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